If you have listened to me talk, or read my About page on my website, you know most of my story. I was pregnant and just could not handle the strong fragrance of conventional products I had been using for years. It was then that I started paying more attention to the ingredients in my topical products, and the mysteriousness that is listed on labels as "fragrance".
I started mixing simple plant oils and essential oils, but as I started to train as an herbalist, I knew there would be magic in adding herbs. The process has evolved over time, but the intention has always remained the same: create beautiful, real skincare products that harness the power of traditional plant medicine.
In a previous blog post, An Introduction to Herbal Medicine, I introduced the basics of how herbalism has evolved and where we stand today. But in short, herbalism has been around for thousands of years, as our ancestors used plants to treat disease and illness, fight bacteria in food and help during birth. Herbs were used intuitively, and today we still use many herbs in the same way. These traditions have been passed down through hundreds of family members and have withstood the test of time. To now be able to use that power in each of my skincare products, enhances just how special they are. It makes me proud that I am part of this knowledgable world and that I can share it with each of my customers.
As I progressed with formulating my products, I started making them for friends and family. And then I thought about how other women and mothers would have a use for these bottles of magic. It was about more than just great skin. It was bringing women together, to give them a moment of self care, to show they are loved and to bring into their lives those powerful parts of healing plants. Healing presents itself in many forms and this was my way of healing others. It is my hope that each customer finds the healing power in their bottle, whether it be a change in how their skin looks, or how more confident they feel or that a change towards natural skincare leads to a change in natural foods and a natural lifestyle. As this great community of strong women, whoever you are and whatever you do, we deserve to be treated as the special beings that we are.
I started Blue Lemon Beauty because when you try our products, you will find the warrior within yourself!